13-15 December, the Centre for Innovative Educational Technologies PNU EcoSystem hosted an online training course for academic staff on Pedagogical Strategies of a Modern Higher Education Educator. 33 representatives of various higher education institutions in the western region of Ukraine participated in the event.

The training sessions and workshops within the Educational Programme delved into contemporary topics related to higher education reform. The discussions encompassed aspects such as the criteria for the content of educational programs, the assessment of student learning outcomes, the application of artificial intelligence in teaching practices, and the potential opportunities and challenges associated with ChatGPT in education and science. Prof. Olena Budnyk, Associate Professor Victoria Gnezdilova, and Senior Lecturer Mykhailo Kotyk shared the insights. Introducing psychological and pedagogical instruments aimed at enhancing communication skills, and exploring both verbal and non-verbal strategies in pedagogical interactions, forms a key focus. Prof. Tetiana Kachak leads discussions on these aspects. Prof. Inna Chervinska sheds light on the application of media education technologies to cultivate an innovative media environment within educational institutions. Associate Professor Tetyana Blyznyuk also examines innovative approaches and digital tools designed for assessing student learning outcomes. Associate Professor Kateryna Fomin explores pedagogical strategies in digital education, including immersive learning, Agile technologies, microlearning, and other relevant methods.

The course curriculum aims to enhance teachers competencies in innovation, digital skills, communication, and media literacy. Upon completion, participants will be awarded Certificates of Advanced Training, acknowledging their accomplishment of 30 academic hours.