It has already become a good tradition to prepare scientific publications based on the results of student research based on the “PNU EcoSystem” Center. This year, for the first time, two issues of the annual Ukrainian-Polish collection of student scientific works “Educational Innovation” were published (Issues 5, 6; 2023).

In this edition, we published scientific articles on current problems of pedagogy, psychology, and social work. Considerable attention is paid to the implementation of pedagogical innovations in the educational process of various types of institutions, the study of the best foreign learning experience, the use of information and communication technologies in distance learning, inclusive and special education, etc.

E- versions of the book are available at the following link:


Innowacje edukacyjne: Ukraińsko-Polski zbiór prac naukowych studentów / red. prof. Olena Budnyk; red. lit. prof. Tetiana Kachak; Centrum Innowacyjnych Technologii Edukacyjnych “PNU EcoSystem”. Wyd. 5. Iwano-Frankiwsk, Ukraina: Wyd. Kushnir G.M., 2023. 198 s. ISBN 978-617-7926-53-4


Innowacje edukacyjne: Ukraińsko-Polski zbiór prac naukowych studentów / red. prof. Olena Budnyk; red. lit. prof. Tetiana Kachak; Centrum Innowacyjnych Technologii Edukacyjnych “PNU EcoSystem”. Wyd. 6. Iwano-Frankiwsk, Ukraina: Wyd. Kushnir G.M., 2023. 182 s. ISBN 978-617-7926-54-1