On April 22-23, the Center’s specialists – Professor Olena Budnyk, Associate Professors Tetyana Kachak, Tetyana Blyznyuk and Kateryna Fomin – took part in the Vth International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference «Actual Problems of Creating a Teacher’s Creative Personality in the Context of Preschool and Primary Education Continuity» within the work of the Erasmus + Jean Monnet 620252-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE project, which took place at the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky State Pedagogical University. During the round table discussion «European pedagogical concepts and the Ukrainian experience of using theatrical activities in the development of children’s soft skills: theory, practice, prospects» Kateryna Fomin in her speech outlined important aspects of the implementation of European educational experience in the development of primary school students’ soft skills , especially in the process of dialogic learning. As Olena Budnyk noted, pedagogical activity today should be identified with the theater of (not) one actor, as is traditionally interpreted, but the theater of all participants of the educational process: «It is important to focus on the connection of the aesthetic with the cultural environment and the socio-cultural function of the educational institution, the distinction between artistic and aesthetic, understanding the beautiful through the prism of social competence». The researchers mentioned K. Ushinsky’s works on aesthetic education, I. Zyazyun’s on the «beauty of pedagogical action», G. Vasyanovych’s on the aesthetic culture of the teacher’s personality, and others. Tetyana Blyznyuk highlighted the importance and ways of developing soft skills, aimed at expanding future primary school teachers’ personal and professional competencies in a mixed learning environment. Tetyana Kachak emphasized the creativity of primary school teachers and students in reading lessons, the importance of digital tools in the development of creative activity of primary school students in the process of working with literary texts.