Team of the Center

Budnyk Olena
Director of the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor,
Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education,
trainer of the New Ukrainian School,
specialist in Pedagogical Innovation and e-Learning
(066) 072-49-40


Mykhailyshyn Halyna
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
Vice-Rector on Education, specialist in
monitoring the quality of educational technologies
(0342) 59-60-44, (050) 678-09-40


Chervinska Inna
Ph.D in Education, Associate Professor of the
Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education,
Head of University of the creative educational
and scientific laboratory «Mountain School of Ukrainian Carpaty»,
specialist in media didactics(050) 671-61-06


Kachak Tetiana

Doctor of Philological Sciences,

Professor of the Department of Professional Methods and Technologies

of Elementary Education

of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


Blyznyuk Tetyana
Ph.D in Education, Associate Professor of the
Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education,
expert in the use of educational innovations
in teaching academic disciplines of the English cycle
(050) 581-30-24


Fomin Kateryna

Doctor of Philosophy in Education,

Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education,

Educational Technology and Innovation Specialist
(Effective Professional Development)
(050) 676-88-06


Gnezdilova Viktoria
Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Associate Professor of Biology and Ecology,
expert in the use of educational technologies
in teaching natural sciences
(066) 110-75-01


Mykytyn Tetianа
Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Associate Professor of Biology and Ecology,
Expert in innovative pedagogical technologies,information and communication technologies,

and the methodology of teaching biology

(098) 116-20-92



Kotyk Mykhailo
1st category software engineer of the Center,
Candidate of Sciences (Physics),
Senior Lecturer in Computer Engineering and Electronics,
specialist in robotics and 3D modeling
(095) 464-28-45