Based on the “PNU EcoSystem” Center, a specialized training course “University of the Future: Secrets of Successful Management in Education” was completed, in which scientific and pedagogical university staff participated throughout June.
The events were aimed at improving professional qualifications, expanding professional knowledge and skills necessary for effective management and ensuring high quality of educational activities. It included 3 trainings, which were held in an offline format. The first training was conducted by Olena Huzar, head of the Center for Professional Development and Leadership (Teaching Excellence) of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University.The speaker presented models of successful management in the field of business, the main principles of the development of entrepreneurial competence in educational activities, activated team interaction for generating ideas, creating and presenting own projects.
The theme of the second meeting was: “Modern trends and challenges in leadership and team building” hold by Valentyna Yakubiv, the first vice-rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. It was focused on the evolution of leadership styles, the impact of technology on communication and team work, and the importance of emotional intelligence in modern leadership.
The topic of the third meeting: “Innovative trends in education: virtual and augmented reality”, the speakers of which were professor, director of the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies “PNU EcoSystem” Olena Budnyk and Mykhailo Kotyk, Senior Lecturer, PhD in Engineering at the same Centre. The participants had the opportunity to gain practical skills in using virtual and augmented reality to improve the effectiveness of the educational process to create an interactive environment for learning and learning, including with the use of VR glasses.
At the end of the training course, the participants received a certificate of advanced training, 15 hours (0.5 ECTS credits).